How To Stay Injury Free When Participating In Summer Sports Camps

Summer sports camps are a great way for kids to work on their sports skills and stay active during the summer. Some of my fondest memories growing up were going to sports camps, meeting new kids, and working to improve my game. Every year, however, we see kids who get injured at sports camps.

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Outdoor Exercise: Safety In the Sun

As life turns back to being more normal after restrictions are lifted, more people are heading outside for exercise, team sports, and recreation. But...with summer upon us, heat can be a big issue! Without careful planning heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and extreme dehydration can happen and even be life-threatening. We are sharing some tips to make summer exercise safe and enjoyable!

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Dancers: When and How to Stretch

Stretching is an essential part of the daily and weekly routine for dancers. We use stretching to warm-up, to cool down, to kill time, to improve flexibility, and to relieve stress. There is no doubt that stretching has always been and will continue to be an important element to becoming a better dancer. That said, I would encourage all dancers to think more critically about why and how they stretch.

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What To Do If Your Shoulder Is Sore After Receiving the COVID Vaccine

As the COVID vaccine becomes more widely available and more people are getting vaccinated (hooray!), some folks are experiencing mild side effects from the vaccine. The CDC notes that these side effects usually subside within a few days, but they can be annoying. One of the more common side effects is soreness in the shoulder of the arm that received the injection. The CDC recommends light exercise as a way to help reduce any pain and discomfort experienced after this vaccination. Here are a few gentle exercises that may help.

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Importance of Strength Training for Endurance Athletes by Andy Levanti DPT, ATC

Runners like to run and cyclists like to ride their bikes but when you begin to discuss strength training they become less enthusiastic. Now take a recreational athlete who has limited time to devote to their sport, it’s even harder for them to take some that time to work on strength training vs getting out on the trail or the road.

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Time to Take Care of You!

Schedules are crazy these days. With schools moving to remote or hybrid learning, and many folks working from home, the regular 9-5 workday or typical school day is, at least for now, a thing of the past.

There is a silver lining, however. If you no longer need to commute to work or drive your children to practice, you may have more flexibility in your schedule. Why not use this time to take care of that back or neck that has been sore from increased screen time, that ankle that has been bothering you since you hurt it in college, or that shoulder pain that wakes you up at night?

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Lazy Summer or Deconditioning?

The weather is hot, the gym is closed, and you've been relaxing - enjoying the lazy, hazy days of summer. Taking a day off here and there is no problem, but if you've been consistently missing your regular run, bike ride, or gym session and notice some aches and pains showing up, you might have the beginnings of deconditioning.

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Three Keys for Proper Use of Bands to Help Avoid Arm Pain in Overhead Athletes

With Major League Baseball starting up and youth baseball and softball in full swing, I thought it would be timely to provide a review of the resistance band exercises that have become an increasingly popular part of warm ups in baseball and softball. Unfortunately, when we treat youth athletes in our physical therapy clinic and review their band exercises with them, we often see that they are performing them improperly.

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Recent Study Supports Telehealth Physical Therapy

At Complete Game Physical Therapy, we are back up and running seeing patients in our clinic.  We have enhanced safety procedures and are following all the latest guidelines from the CDC and local board of health to ensure the safety of patients, families and staff.  We have adjusted our schedule to help accommodate proper social distancing as well as to provide convenient appointment times for our patients.

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Complete Game Physical Therapy: Choose PT First During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Because of the closures of physician's offices, stoppages of elective surgeries, and social distancing guidelines resulting from COVID-19, many people with pain or joint issues have had appointments or surgeries delayed. If you're one of them and you haven't seen a PT yet, we welcome you to see us at Complete Game first. Here are some reasons why:

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