Time to Take Care of You!


Schedules are crazy these days.  With schools moving to remote or hybrid learning, and many folks working from home, the regular 9-5 workday or typical school day is, at least for now, a thing of the past.  

There is a silver lining, however.  If you no longer need to commute to work or drive your children to practice, you may have more flexibility in your schedule.  Why not use this time to take care of that back or neck that has been sore from increased screen time, that ankle that has been bothering you since you hurt it in college, or that shoulder pain that wakes you up at night?

Massachusetts is a direct access state for physical therapy, which means you do not need a doctor’s referral to see a physical therapist.  Physical therapists are specialists in diagnosing and treating movement disorders.  Often, in just a few visits, we can identify and alleviate what is causing you pain and help get you back to the activities that you love.

Complete Game Physical Therapy is following all the latest recommendations set by the CDC and state and local boards of health to provide the safest environment possible for our patients and staff.  We have expanded our Lowell office to allow even more space for distancing in the clinic and we’ve opened a new clinic in Tewksbury to allow us to safely accommodate more patients.  Any surface that is touched by a patient, visitor or staff is thoroughly disinfected after use.  And, of course, everyone entering the clinic is screened for fever and COVID symptoms, and all are required to wear a mask.

 If you are not comfortable coming into the clinic in person, we do offer physical therapy through telehealth as well.  Though we are not able to be “hands on” with patients through telehealth, it is still a very effective alternative for PT treatment.  Through telehealth, your therapist will talk with you to get a thorough history and understand your goals.  They will be able to observe your movement and help you develop a plan to reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.  Telehealth is covered by insurance.

Things may feel especially challenging right now, but we will get through this pandemic.  And in the meantime, be proactive, take care of yourself and get back to the things you love to do!  Call us at Complete Game PT, 978-710-7204, or email me at gcrossman@completegamept.com and we will set you up with an appointment so you can start feeling better again!