Complete Game Physical Therapy: A Year To Remember


As this challenging year comes to a close, our team here at Complete Game Physical Therapy is taking time to be thankful and celebrate the resilience of our staff and Americans as a whole. While faced with challenges, we adapted, moved forward, and continued to help our patients. 

In March, while our clinic was closed as we worked to ‘flatten the curve’ and with Covid19 stay-at-home orders and other restrictions becoming the norm, we moved to offering telehealth services so our patients could either start or continue receiving the physical therapy care they need. We continued to offer these telehealth service even after our clinic opened in May. 

In the midst of the new ways of providing PT,and with the safety of our staff and patients in mind, we expanded our Lowell location and added 400 square feet of space to ensure proper social distancing in our clinic area. 


In September, we announced that we were opening our Tewksbury clinic at 20 Carter Street on October 6. We were happy to be back in Tewksbury, adding more convenience for our patients in that area.  In fact, we returned to the same building where our old clinic was located, but are now in a new space that has dedicated access. 

With the expansion of our clinic, Greg, Bonnie, Andy and Andrew were happy to welcome our new admin, Jill Cairns and our new PT,  Katie Anderson to our team. In October we celebrated along with Andy Levanti and Madison as they married. Our staff and patients also keenly felt the loss of Murphy as he crossed the Rainbow Bridge in October. As our clinic mascot, he brought joy and brightness to our days. We love and miss our Good Boy.


We know that 2021 will be a year of continuing changes and growth. With our team in place, we are here to help and meet your physical therapy needs. No matter what changes, we will be here for you. Contact us to get started in the New Year. 

Our team wishes you all the best for a healthy and safe New Year! See you soon.