What To Do If Your Shoulder Is Sore After Receiving the COVID Vaccine


As the COVID vaccine becomes more widely available and more people are getting vaccinated (hooray!), some folks are experiencing mild side effects from the vaccine.  The CDC notes that these side effects usually subside within a few days, but they can be annoying.  One of the more common side effects is soreness in the shoulder of the arm that received the injection. The CDC recommends light exercise as a way to help reduce any pain and discomfort experienced after this vaccination.  Here are a few gentle exercises that may help.


Pendulums are a great way to relax the muscles around the shoulder and help promote blood flow to the joint.  You simply bend at the waist and let the arm hang.  Protect your back by using a chair or table for support with your opposite arm.  Letting the arm hang, use your body to swing the arm into small, slow circles, clockwise and counterclockwise, 10-20 times.


Shoulder Overhead Reach with Stick 

For this exercise, lay on your back holding a light stick (such as a golf club, broom handle or curtain rod) in both hands.  Slowly extend overhead using the good arm to guide the sore arm.  Extend to the point where you feel a stretch, but not pain.  Repeat 10 X for 2-3 sets.

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Wall Slides 

Stand directly in front of a wall or smooth door and slowly slide your arms up the wall and back down.  Reach only as high as you can without pain.  Repeat 10 X for 2-3 sets.

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These gentle exercises can help if you experience any soreness after your COVID vaccination.  The symptoms should subside in a few days, but if they persist or become severe, you should contact your doctor.  If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us at Complete Game Physical Therapy at our Lowell location at 978-710-7204 or our new Tewksbury location at 978-455-2538.