Preseason Screening For The Youth Athlete


As summer comes to an end and fall sports seasons are around the corner many youth athletes will be headed to their doctor to get their required pre participation sports physicals.  Though requirements vary from state to state most states at this point require some form of physical before kids participate in school sports.  These are very important in that they screen for cardiac, neuromuscular, or respiratory issues.  A brief general musculoskeletal exam is also performed but this is limited by the physicians time constraints as well as limited space of a physician's exam room.  

The greatest risk factor for future injury is previous injury.  If there is something we can do to help reduce the likelihood of injury in the first place we will be much more likely to prevent problems down the road.  I have 2 young children who participate in sports myself and want to do whatever I can to protect them.

Fortunately there is something we can do.  Research-validated testing has shown to reduce injury rates in athletes of many different sports as well as the US military.  A system such as Move2Perform that identifies and addresses side to side asymmetries as well as deficits with fundamental movement patterns is a great tool to help reduce the likelihood of injury for your youth athlete.  

Getting a more thorough musculoskeletal screen by a healthcare provider such as a physical therapist may not only help reduce the likelihood for injury for your athlete but also help improve their performance.  As the saying goes “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and though it may take some time out of your day for the testing you may save yourself time, money, and help keep your child safe in the long run.

Complete Game PT is here to help with your questions and concerns as your kids go back to school and back to sports. Call us today 978-710-7204

Greg Crossman