3 Tips to Help You Keep Those New Year's Fitness Resolutions


The start of the year inevitably brings on the New Year’s fitness resolutions. Great intentions of “This being the year I’m going to get in shape!” often turn into individuals ending up in our PT clinic due to injury.  Today I wanted to go over a few simple tips to stay healthy and keep up with those New Year’s resolutions.

  1. Think about the little things you can work on throughout the day. Though that new gym membership or joining that cardio/kickboxing/zumba class will help with your fitness goals you will get more out of making little changes throughout the day to help your health.  One area in particular I talk with patients about frequently is posture. An hour of work in the gym will not make up for sitting slumped at your desk for 8 hours a day.  Simply doing some shoulder blade pinches at your desk throughout the day can help improve your posture and take stress off your neck, shoulders and back.

  2. Increase training volume slowly. Often well intentioned New Year’s resolution-makers will go too hard, too fast and end up hurt.  In the running world the 10% rule is a good general rule for increasing training volume. The 10% rule states that you should only increase your total running mileage by 10% from the previous week.  If you run 20 miles per week you should increase by no more than 2 miles the next week. A similar approach can be taken with weight training.  This rule is very general but a good way to keep yourself from overdoing it.

  3. Don’t ignore recovery. Recovery, especially as we get older, can be as important as exercise itself.  Taking time to stretch, using heat or ice, or even getting a massage are great ways to help accelerate the recovery process after workouts.  Especially as you start a workout program be sure to take the time for proper recovery, your body will thank you!

Those are just a few tips to help as you embark on your fitness journey this new year.  For more tips as well as articles on other sports and health related topics be sure to visit our website CompleteGamePT.com.  Also if you are having trouble with any particular body part check out our free reports or give us a call at 978-710-7204. If you are ready to start your PT at Complete Game Physical Therapy, click here to make an appointment