Three Ways to Avoid Back Problems When Shoveling Snow

Just when it looked like we were going to make it through the winter with no major snow storms here in New England, it seems that winter has other plans.  The forecast is predicting at least a few more storms, so let’s make sure you are ready to get out there and take care of that snow while also taking care of your back.  

Today we have three tips to help reduce the chance of injury while shoveling snow.

Try some light stretching before you go out.  Lightly stretching your hamstrings, calves, and forearms will help make sure your muscles are ready for the hard work ahead.  Stretching before you shovel should be gentle, just to the point where you feel a light stretch, and held for short periods of time, 10-15 seconds.  Stretching after you shovel should be held for longer, for 30-60 seconds.  These images illustrate a few stretches you can try:

Use good form.  Using proper form while shoveling is important.  One way to maintain proper form is to hinge at your hips when you lift.  This is basically moving through your hips instead of your lower back when you lift.  Hinging allows you to use the bigger, more powerful muscles of your hips and reduces stress on the lower back.  To practice this movement, try the exercise below for 2 to 3 sets of 10 before you go out to shovel.

Use a hot pack on your back before you go out to shovel.  A hot pack helps to increase blood flow to the area and warms up the muscles.  After shoveling, you can use

heat or ice depending on how you feel.  General recommendations are to use heat if your back feels tight and ice if you are feeling pain. Just remember to avoid ice before exercise or activity as icing will tighten muscles and can increase the risk of injury.

In addition to working with athletes,and active adults, Complete Game Physical Therapy will be here for you if you do happen to strain your back, legs, or shoulders due to snow removal. Our North Chelmsford clinic is spacious and with our extended hours, we have appointment time slots that work with all schedules. Don’t live with pain…contact us to come see us soon!